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Heat & Sound Light Electricity Mechanics Electronics New Physics Experiments  

To Determine the wave length of Sodium light by Newton’s Rings Method

To Determine the wave length of Prominent lines of Mercury light by Plane Diffraction gratings with the help of Spectrometer

To Determine the wave length of Sodium light using diffraction gratings

To Determine the Dispersive Power of the material of a prism for violet and yellow colour of Mercury light with the help of Spectrometer

To Find the Cauchy ‘s Constant of a Prism using a Spectrometer
To Determine the specific Rotation of Sugar using Laurent’s Half shade Polarimeter
To Determine the specific Rotation of Glucose/Sugar solution using Bi-quartz Polarimeter
To Determine the Height of an object with the help of a Sextant
To Determine the Wave length of monochromatic light with the help of Fresnel’s Bi-prism
To Determine the Numerical Aperature of an Optical Fiber with laser

To Determine the Profile of a He-Ne Laser with laser He-Ne laser 2mW with Power supply for above

To Verify the Expression for the Resolving Power of a Telescope

To Determine the Focal Length of a Combination of two convergent lenses using Nodal Slide arrangement

Wave length of Sodium light by Michelson Interferometer
To Determine the specific Resistance by Carey foster Bridge
To Determine Ballistic Constant of a Ballistic Galvanometer Galvanometer
To Determine the Electronic charge by Millikan’s Method
Electrical and Electronics  
To find the value of e/m for an Electron by Thomson Method
To Determine the value of e/m for electron by Helical Method

To Determine the variation of Magnetic field with the distance along the axis of a circular coil

To Determine the high Resistance by Leakage Method
Hall Effect Experimental set up
Four Probe Resistivity Experiment
Energy Band gap of a Semi Conductor Diode (KIT Form)
To Convert a Galvanometer into an ammeter of range 1.5A and calibrate it
To Convert a Galvanometer into a Voltmeter of range 1.5V and calibrate it
To Convert a Galvanometer into a Voltmeter (KIT Form)
To Convert a Galvanometer into an ammeter (KIT Form)
To Verify Stefan’s Law by Electrical method (KIT ForM)
Apparatus for e.c.e of a Copper using Tangent/Helmoltz Galvanometer
To Determine the Internal Resistance of a Primary cell using 10 wire Potentiometer
To Calibrate a Moving Coil Electrodynamometer type
Ammeter using DC Slide wire Potentiometer
To Calibrate a Moving Coil Electrodynamometer type
Voltmeter using a DC Slide Wire Potentiometer
To Calibrate a Electro Dynamometer type single phase Wattmeter, using Slide wire Potentiometer
OSAW Calibration of Dynamometer Power Factor Meter
To Calibrate a Moving Coil Electrodynamometer type
Ammeter using DC Crompton Potentiometer
To Calibrate a Moving Coil Electrodynamometer type
Voltmeter using a DC Crompton Potentiometer

Measurement of Parameters of a choke coil using 3 voltmeter & 3 Ammeter

To Calibrate a Voltmeter using 10 wire Potentiometer
To Calibrate a Ammeter using 10 wire Potentiometer
To Measure Self Inductance using Maxwell’s Bridge
Measurement of Capacitance using Schering bridge

Measurement of Frequency by Wein’s Frequency Bridge And Anderson Bridge, Wein’s Capacitance Bridge, Hay’s Bridge, Owen’s Bridge etc


Variation of THERMO EMF of Thermocouple with temperature

To Calculate Hysteresis loss by tracing B H curve for Given sample (without CRO)

To Find the value of High Resistance by Substitution Method Mechanics

To Determine the Modulus of Rigidity of a wire by Maxwell’s Needle

To find the Young’s Modulus, Modulus of rigidity and Poisson’s Ratio for The material of a wire by Searle’s method

To Find the Surface Tension of water by Jager’s Method

To Find the Co-efficient of thermal conductivity of copper using Searle’s Conductivity apparatus

To Find the co-efficient of Thermal conductivity of bad conductor Using Lee’s Disc method

To Determine the Mechanical equivalent of Heat by Callender and Barne’s method

To Determine the frequency of AC mains using Sonometer

To Determine the frequency of Electrically maintained Tuning fork using Melde’s method

To Find the Frequency of AC mains using Electrical Vibrator
To Find the Co-efficient of self Inductance by Raleigh Bridge
To find the Ionization Potential of a Mercury
Measurement of Resistively by P O Box
Measurement of Plank’s Constant by LED
Charging and discharging of a condenser
To study the Rise and decay of current in RC/LR circuit
LCR Impedance Kit
Richardson Equation Kit
Voltage doubler and Trippler kit
RMS Average Peak kit
Study of capacitances, Resistances and diodes
Dielectric Constant complete set up
Determination of Coupling Co-efficient of Peizoelectric
Crystal Complete set up
OSAW Biot’s Savart Law complete set up
To verify Malus Law
Instrument test scale (ITS)
Tripod Testing Stand (TTS)
Definition Collimator
Resolution Collimator
Auxillary Telescope
G.P. Collimator
Quarter wave plate
Half wave plate
Calibration of Ammeter using Slide Wire Potentiometer
Calibration of Voltmeter using Crompton Potentiometer
Measurement of Resistance using Crompton Potentiometer
Measure of Low Resistance using Student Kelvin double bridge
Polarisation of Light using Simple Reflecting using laser diode
compare illumination Power of a 2 given sources of light using L B Photometer
To Determine diameter of a lycopodium powder using Corona Rings
To determine the velocity of ultrasonic waves in a given liquid
To Study the absorption spectrum of iodine
To study the Hydrogen spectrum and determine the Rydberg constant
To verify the black body radiation phenomenon using a spectrometer
The constant deviation spectrometer
The Fabry Perot Interferrometer